Only few more days to go until the 2022 PRET Australia Awards Night! This year we will have over 700 guests to this signature event!
Here is a reminder about what is happening on Saturday the 26th of November 2022 at Brisbane City Hall from 6pm to 11pm.
The attire for the Awards Night will be formal, and the theme for this year will be Red and White. Please dress to impress as we will have a total of five photo booths for you to leave lasting memories with your friends. Please #PRETAwardsNight when posting on social media.
Parking is available underground King George Square via Roma or Adelaide Street at $10 for up to 8 hours. If the car park is full, Wickham Terrace Car Park also have special rates from Council.
Access to the Foyer of City Hall for Registration will begin from 5:30pm, please find your table number from the guest lists at the registration desks, display boards and screens. Doors to the main auditorium and upper level balcony seating will open before 6pm so everyone can be seated by 6:20pm for the opening entertainment.
Every seat downstairs will have guest names. Upper level guests will have names marked as you go up the stairs to collect your one free welcome drink from the upper level bar. We have a $10,000 PRET drink tab for main auditorium guests to order drinks once seated and cash bar is available once this tab is reached. Upper Level guests will have dinners served from 7pm at the Brisbane Room and food & drinks can be brought back to your seats. Main auditorium guests will have a five course meal with drinks at the table.
As we will be raising much needed funds for Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust, Mater Foundation and RBWH Foundation through auction bids, raffle sales and direct donations, please bring some cash for raffle tickets as we only have four credit card terminals. We have over $30,000 worth of raffle prizes to be won and only $20 per ticket, 3 tickets for $50, 7 tickets for $100 and 20 tickets for $200! One of our PRET Angels and Heroes will be there to sell you the raffle tickets.
There will be forms on each table to make direct donations via QR Code as well, you can make a guess of the total amount that will be raised on the night with each donation form. The closest guess will win you a bottle of Penfolds 707 valued at $790 from IJ Capital plus 10 special PRET Gift Box for your table! These donations are tax deductible so please give generously!
We have some fantastic auction items this year including exclusive dining experience for 4, 6 and 8 people, so talk to your friends and bid together to support worthy charities.
No guests will go home empty handed, we have a show bag filled with goodies from our sponsors for everyone to thank you for attending. Table prizes and Raffle Prizes will be available for collection from 10:30pm, so make sure you stay till the end.
Enjoy the night as we celebrate the successes of our industry and give back to the society!
Please note if you are feeling unwell, please comply with government COVID Standards. Feel free to wear a mask if you feel the need.
Here is a reminder about what is happening on Saturday the 26th of November 2022 at Brisbane City Hall from 6pm to 11pm.
The attire for the Awards Night will be formal, and the theme for this year will be Red and White. Please dress to impress as we will have a total of five photo booths for you to leave lasting memories with your friends. Please #PRETAwardsNight when posting on social media.
Parking is available underground King George Square via Roma or Adelaide Street at $10 for up to 8 hours. If the car park is full, Wickham Terrace Car Park also have special rates from Council.
Access to the Foyer of City Hall for Registration will begin from 5:30pm, please find your table number from the guest lists at the registration desks, display boards and screens. Doors to the main auditorium and upper level balcony seating will open before 6pm so everyone can be seated by 6:20pm for the opening entertainment.
Every seat downstairs will have guest names. Upper level guests will have names marked as you go up the stairs to collect your one free welcome drink from the upper level bar. We have a $10,000 PRET drink tab for main auditorium guests to order drinks once seated and cash bar is available once this tab is reached. Upper Level guests will have dinners served from 7pm at the Brisbane Room and food & drinks can be brought back to your seats. Main auditorium guests will have a five course meal with drinks at the table.
As we will be raising much needed funds for Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust, Mater Foundation and RBWH Foundation through auction bids, raffle sales and direct donations, please bring some cash for raffle tickets as we only have four credit card terminals. We have over $30,000 worth of raffle prizes to be won and only $20 per ticket, 3 tickets for $50, 7 tickets for $100 and 20 tickets for $200! One of our PRET Angels and Heroes will be there to sell you the raffle tickets.
There will be forms on each table to make direct donations via QR Code as well, you can make a guess of the total amount that will be raised on the night with each donation form. The closest guess will win you a bottle of Penfolds 707 valued at $790 from IJ Capital plus 10 special PRET Gift Box for your table! These donations are tax deductible so please give generously!
We have some fantastic auction items this year including exclusive dining experience for 4, 6 and 8 people, so talk to your friends and bid together to support worthy charities.
No guests will go home empty handed, we have a show bag filled with goodies from our sponsors for everyone to thank you for attending. Table prizes and Raffle Prizes will be available for collection from 10:30pm, so make sure you stay till the end.
Enjoy the night as we celebrate the successes of our industry and give back to the society!
Please note if you are feeling unwell, please comply with government COVID Standards. Feel free to wear a mask if you feel the need.
2022 年PRET Australia 頒獎晚宴暨慈善之夜
時間:2022年11月26日晚上 6:00至11:00 (5:30 開放報到,6:00開始入座,6:20表演開始,6:30正式開始)
地點:Brisbane City Hall Main Auditorium
停車:King George Square & Wickham Terrace Car Park (4-8小時停車只要$10)
地點:Brisbane City Hall Main Auditorium
停車:King George Square & Wickham Terrace Car Park (4-8小時停車只要$10)
5:30pm 開放報到時現場會有賓客名單,請找到您的座位桌號。6:00 前會開放入座,樓下貴賓們每個座位上都會有名牌,樓上貴賓在上樓後會有人核對名單並安排一杯免費歡迎飲料,樓上會有Cash Bar讓來賓購買更多飲料。樓上貴賓們的晚餐會是 7:00pm開始於 Brisbane Room以自助餐形式供應,可以將食物拿回座位享用,也能在Brisbane Room 看著大屏幕用餐。Brisbane Room 會設有一個綠幕攝影棚給來賓免費拍照留念,樓上來賓也能下樓使用其他四個攝影棚與其他人拍照留念,但請勿佔據他人座位。
樓下貴賓們每桌都備有酒精與非酒精飲料,喝完後還可以再點,總共全場會有施老師招待的 $10,000的飲料額度,超過這額度後,可以到前廳的Cash Bar購買。今年的晚宴包含點心、湯、前菜、主菜、甜點供五道。如有事先告知特殊飲食需求的來賓,請向侍者確認。
全場我們共備有五個免費攝影棚,從5:30開放使用到11:00,只有 6:30-7:00會暫停,但台上節目進行時請保持安靜。照片發到社交媒體上請別忘了 #PRETAwardsNight
樓下貴賓們每桌都備有酒精與非酒精飲料,喝完後還可以再點,總共全場會有施老師招待的 $10,000的飲料額度,超過這額度後,可以到前廳的Cash Bar購買。今年的晚宴包含點心、湯、前菜、主菜、甜點供五道。如有事先告知特殊飲食需求的來賓,請向侍者確認。
全場我們共備有五個免費攝影棚,從5:30開放使用到11:00,只有 6:30-7:00會暫停,但台上節目進行時請保持安靜。照片發到社交媒體上請別忘了 #PRETAwardsNight
由於現場有超過700位來賓,我們只有4部刷卡機,請您能準備點現金向我們的 PRET Angels and Heroes 購買摸彩卷!今年我們將有價值超過 $30,000的摸彩品,一張摸彩卷只賣 $20、三張$50、七張 $100、二十張 $200!募款所得全部捐給三家慈善!
我們每桌都還會有捐款單給您掃碼捐款,這方式捐款您將直接收到抵稅收據,請付款後於表單上填寫您的捐款金額,並猜猜當晚我們總共會募集多少的總捐款寫下來交給我們的 PRET Angels and Heroes!猜得最接近的來賓,將會贏得億力基金贊助的一瓶價值 $790的 Penfolds 707 與PRET Australia 紀念禮盒十個與同桌朋友分享!這項活動將於晚上 9:45pm截止猜測!光買摸彩卷是不能參與猜獎喔!
由於現場有超過700位來賓,我們只有4部刷卡機,請您能準備點現金向我們的 PRET Angels and Heroes 購買摸彩卷!今年我們將有價值超過 $30,000的摸彩品,一張摸彩卷只賣 $20、三張$50、七張 $100、二十張 $200!募款所得全部捐給三家慈善!
我們每桌都還會有捐款單給您掃碼捐款,這方式捐款您將直接收到抵稅收據,請付款後於表單上填寫您的捐款金額,並猜猜當晚我們總共會募集多少的總捐款寫下來交給我們的 PRET Angels and Heroes!猜得最接近的來賓,將會贏得億力基金贊助的一瓶價值 $790的 Penfolds 707 與PRET Australia 紀念禮盒十個與同桌朋友分享!這項活動將於晚上 9:45pm截止猜測!光買摸彩卷是不能參與猜獎喔!
晚上10:30以後抽中摸彩品跟Table Prizes獎品的來賓們可以在離開時領獎!所以請大家要留到最後再走喔!
晚上10:30以後抽中摸彩品跟Table Prizes獎品的來賓們可以在離開時領獎!所以請大家要留到最後再走喔!
VIP Tables
15) Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust VIPs 16) PRET Australia VIPs 25) RBWH Foundation VIPs 26) Mater Foundation VIPs |
Diamond Donor Tables
5) REDY Group 6) YFG Shopping Centres 7) GoldenWater Finance Group 8) GoldenWater Finance Group |
Platinum and Gold Donor Tables
12) Ray White ELG 17) KP Business Advisers 1) Sponsors 2) Sponsors 3) Sponsors 9) Stream Dog 10) Expertised Pest Control 11) QC Realty |
18) Shine Realty 19) Kinstone Group 23) Auslaw Partners 27) Firths Lawyers 35) Property Bridge 36) Sponsors 37) LMCT Hon. Ambassadors 38) Resort Brokers |
Silver Donor Tables
20) Matrix Global Brisbane 21) Invech Corporation 22) Juxgold Group Property Developments 28) Property Development Class 29) Property Development Class 30) Property Development Class 33) Property Development Class 39) Onsite Management Rights 55) Innovision Body Corporate Services 56) Remax Supreme |
55) Roland’s Guests 56) Jade’s Guests 57) Raylene’s Guests 58) Kerry’s Guests 66) PRET Training Partners 67) PRET Training Partners 68) PRET Training Partners 69) Belle Property Hope Island 70) Oasis Town Planning 71) Bugden Allen Graham Lawyers |
Bronze Supporter Tables
31) Mater Foundation 32) 28 Property Group 50) RBWH Foundation 51) MC Group 52) MC Group 53) APMA |
61) All Properties Group 62) Christie & Co. Pty Ltd 63) PRET Guests 65) PRET Guests 72) PRET Guests 73) PRET Guests |
Main Auditorium Tables Guest List
Please Visit Registration Desks for Full Guest Lists
Please Visit Registration Desks for Full Guest Lists